One A.B.W (Awesome Black Woman) talking to other awesome women about life, joys, highs, lows, and even the Cinderella's in our midst

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What Get's Me Excited Is A Run of Show! (feat. Lauren Grove)

The pivot is real! In this week's episode, I am interviewing the Chief Creative Architect of The Grant Access, Lauren Grove! Lauren stops by to talk about entrepreneur...

Ain't The Aunties Too Old For This S*it?

"You want the honey? The bunches? Or the oats?" - Sherm

These People Were Dumber Than I Was (feat. my Mom)

"They call me Mr. Tibbs!" - Virgi TibbsThis episode is featuring my mom who talks about her experiences growing up in the segregated south and how she went from being ...

We Can't Give EGOTs Flowers w/o a Side of Fu*kboy Energy

"I sling sick dick energy and I don't even have one" - Tye ReynoldsTrigger Warning: This episode contains discussions of sexual assault and abuse.

White Chocolate is the Gateway (feat. Drew Dorsey)

"So I'm doing my thing and this wise guy starts messing with my plumage." - Carlton Banks

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